What To Look For In Choosing Arba Minim RSS
What To Look For In Choosing Arba Minim
Jewish law provides exacting minimum requirements for each of the four species which make up the Arba Minim. Jewish tradition also encourages us to acquire an Esrog with additional attributes which qualify it to be called “Pri Etz Hadar”- a beautiful fruit. The laws and traditions regarding the selection of the Arba Minim are complex, and the traditions vary in the Ashkenazic, Sephardic and Chassidic communities. The answers below generally follow the Ashkenazic (Eastern European) traditions. For further guidance, please consult your rabbi. General Advice for Buying a Lulav and Esrog: Those who buy their Arba Minim from recognized, reputable...
How to Use the Arba Minim
This is a general guide to the proper use of the Arba Minim. However, the Jewish laws governing their use can be complex, so the reader is urged to consult their rabbi for more specific directions. What Is the Source of the Commandment? The commandment to take the Arba Minim is described in the Torah: "And you should take for yourselves on the first day (of Sukkos) the fruit of the beautiful tree (the Esrog), the branch of a palm tree (Lulav) a bough from the Myrtle tree (Hadassim) and the willows of the stream (Aravos), and you shall rejoice...